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Reflective Essay

    I started this course in the first semester of my senior year in high school, and I had a little bit of struggle here and there so I was worried what it would be like in college. Since being in college I have learned so many things that make me feel confident and comfortable in my writing skills. This course being a 16 week course gave me a lot of time to work through my essays making sure I can revise and edit to my best ability. During this course I had created an argumentative essay and a rhetorical analysis essay, my theme for these essays were sports concussions and finding a solution to help prevent and minimize the risk of physical contact in sports. 

    I definitely learned the most in the argumentative essay. During this essay I had talked about the current state of physical contact in sports and how it is dangerous for the current and up and coming athletes, as well as the proper coaching of how to hit other athletes while in game. I had used research to back up my claims during this essay. I argued that coaches teach their athletes how to hit one another as well as a couple practices with no helmets to teach the athletes how to naturally get their head out of harm's way. A majority of todays sports require physical contact between multiple players resulting in millions of head injuries world wide. There are no solutions to completely get rid of head injuries as a whole but there are ways to minimize the chance and risk of head injuries occurring. 

    During this course I had learned a lot about citations, for a majority of my career as a student I was told to use MLA format, so APA felt so new and so weird and was something to get used to for sure. There are so many changes when it comes to APA vs MLA and knowing where to cite your sources during a sentence. Another thing that I can now do efficiently is hanging indentations in my work cited pages, they used to be confusing but now it is second nature to put my work cited page into a hanging indent. All of these things have helped me so much in all of my other courses. 

    In conclusion, I had learned so many things throughout my time in this course and will continue to take what I learned and use it later down the road. I have learned to overcome roadblocks and face challenges I never thought I would have to face. I like to finish my work on time and if I don’t it feels wrong and I feel guilty about it non stop. I definitely take this class again and absolutely recommend it to friends because there is a lot to learn in this course. 

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